| A Novel Embedded Muti-port Flexible Alternative Current Interconnector for Distribution Network Xin Feng, Jianwen Zhang, Jianqiao Zhou, Gang Shi and Xu Cai |

| Simple Reactive Power Control With Constant DC-Capacitor Voltage-Control-Based Strategy for an Active Power-Line Conditioner in Three-Phase Four-Wire Distribution Feeders Yuya Kihara, Seita Hikosaka, Hiroaki Yamada, Toshihiko Tanaka, Fuka Ikeda, Masayuki Okamoto and Seong Ryong Lee |

| Modular Voltage Equalizer Topology with Reduced Number of Switch Count for Enhancing the Energy Yield During Partial Shading Conditions For PV System Immad Shams, Saad Mekhilef and Kok Soon Tey |

| Analysis and Design Considerations of Input Parallel Output Series-Phase Shifted Full Bridge Converter for a High-Voltage Capacitor Charging Power Supply Apoorv Agarwal, Yos Prabowo and Subhashish Bhattacharya |

| Small Signal Modeling and Discontinuous Stable Regions of Grid-connected Inverter Based on Pade Approximation Fang Liu, Wei Liu, Haodong Wang, Zhen Xie, Shuying Yang and Jianing Wang |

| A Modular C-based Full Bridge Interline DC Power Flow Controller with Multiple Control Freedom Degrees